
Emily Stewart joins Value Match as Procurement Recruitment Manager

Emily Stewart

Are you hiring?

Value Match are happy to announce we have appointed Emily Stewart as our Procurement Recruitment Manager.

Emily has a level 4 CIPS Diploma in Procurement and Supply and will be taking a leading role within the shared service team at Value Match.

Emily has procurement experience in both the public and private sector, she started out as a procurement apprentice within Durham County Council and progressed to Category Manager at Believe Housing where Emily continued to develop experience of embedding social and environmental criteria as part of the procurement process.

Emily has previously managed teams of procurement professionals responsible for the end to end process, ensuring a customer focused approach to deliver to deliver a wide range of customers across Central Government, Local Government, Education and NHS.

With Emily’s procurement experience, Value Match continue to expand our resourcing team’s procurement expertise to match high quality procurement resource to our customers’ requirements.

For more information on our resourcing support offering, contact us on 0800 917 7884.


Updated Procurement Guidance Public Sector

With the UK leaving the European Union (EU) last week, the Cabinet Office have updated their procurement guidance for Public Sector organisations;

In short, there are no planned changes to the way Public Sector organisations must buy their goods and services.  They must continue to follow the EU Public Procurement Directives and UK Public Procurement Regulations until 31st December 2020.  This will allow for the transition period as the UK exits the EU.

What happens after the 31st December 2020 is currently unknown and will ultimately depend on what is developed as part of the “agreement” to exit the EU and how the government intends to take forward public procurement and necessary reform.  Public Procurement isn’t one of the highest prioritises currently being discussed as part of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, so it may be sometime before the changes are finalised and implemented into UK law.

In the meantime Public Sector Organisations who are bound by the Public Contract Regulations 2015, must continue to follow them and the EU Treaty principles of being fair, open and transparent when procuring goods and services.  Value Match will continue to monitor guidance and relevant publications to ensure you are all up to date with the impact.

For suppliers responding to Public Sector tenders we do not anticipate any major changes to key processes or documentation that you are currently already responding to.  However, we do believe there will continue to be changes in approaches to areas such as social value and local economic development.  Value Match are specialists in supporting suppliers successfully compete and win Public Sector contracts.

Our team at Value Match are built up of experienced Public Sector Procurement and Bid Management Professionals who have worked with Buyers and successfully helped Suppliers win work in the Public Sector.

We understand the Public Sector bid/tendering process and have achieved demonstrable results by implementing best practice and by helping our clients win new or retain existing business in both the Private and Public Sector.  Please take a look at one of our Case Studies where we supported one of our Clients to score optimum marks on the qualitative questions in their next tender submissions after a series of unsuccessful attempts at bidding. 

Value Match provide; Bid Writing, Bid Review, Bid Training and a variety of Bid and Procurement Consultancy and Recruitment support services to provide you with expert resource and additional quality assurance (QA) to support your organisation through any stage of any live or previous bid/tender process.

For further information, contact Lindsay Rosul

T: 07702 823 648


New Procurement Thresholds Commencing 1st January 2020

Are you aware of the new changes that will impact the Procurement Thresholds in the UK Public Sector from January 2020?

The European Commission have recently published the new procurement thresholds which are to be adhered to from 1st January 2020.  This update follows on from the previous thresholds which were updated and released on the 1st January 2018.

Type of Contract Authority Type of Contract Threshold as of 1st January 2020 (exc. VAT) Threshold as of 1st January 2018 (exc. VAT) Increased Amount
Central Government Goods & Services £122,976.00 £118,133.00 £4,843.00
Sub Central Authorities Goods & Services £189,330.00 £181,302.00 £8,028.00
All Works £4,733,252.00 £4,551,413.00 £181,839.00
All Light Touch* £663,540.00 £615,278.00 £48,262.00

* Social and Other Specific Services (Regulation 74)

The thresholds represent the aggregate value of any Goods, Services or Works procured for, over the lifetime of a contract, and apply to all UK Public Sector organisations.  The thresholds are reviewed and updated every two years.

Do you need support with getting up to speed with the changes or ensuring your Procurements are complaint with OJEU and PCR 2015?

Value Match have a wealth of experience of delivering effective procurements in both the Private and Public Sector.  Our Procurement Consultants are experienced in delivering some of the largest procurements in the UK Public Sector and have a track record of delivering both cash savings and process efficiencies.

If you’re going out to market in the new year and would like your documents to be reviewed prior to publishing, ensuring its fit for purpose and compliant or would like any more information on how Value Match can support your organisation please check out the following links or contact:

G-Cloud 11 –

YPO – Consultancy+ –

For any specific requirements relating to the recruitment of Interim or Fixed Term Contract staff did you know you can also engage compliantly with Value Match via the Crown Commercial Services (CCS) RM6160 Framework Agreement for the provision of Non-Clinical Temporary and Fixed Term Staff? This Framework can be accessed by the entire UK Public Sector and provides you with a complaint route to engage with specialists such as Value Match to find the best in class talent.

For further information, contact Lindsay Rosul

T: 07702 823 648

National Audit Office Reports Public Sector Library

A review of collaborative procurement across the public sector – Supplier survey – key results

National Audit Office used contact details for 92 major suppliers to government provided by the Confederation of British Industry, Intellect and the Office of Government Commerce to email a survey to each supplier. They then received replies in Summer 2009 from 33 suppliers, a response rate of 36 per cent. Figure 1 provides a breakdown of respondents by category of good or service. The survey consisted of 17 questions and the following tables provide a summary of the key results. The questions covered two areas: The extent of duplication of tendering activity across the public sector.