Consultancy support and guidance for an EU procurement

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A critical service contract was nearing its expiry date with limited time to conduct a compliant EU regulated sourcing event with customer having little experience of managing complex service contracts.


The Value Match team working in collaboration with the customer deployed its experienced consultant, together:

  • Undertook a qualitative review of current contract, supplier performance and existing documentation
  • Designed pre-market engagement objectives, engagement process and plan
  • Produced required EU Notices and prepared suitable tender documentation, integrating customers documentation and standards where applicable
  • Designed specification and evaluation standards and processes
  • Supported the customer in the issuing of relevant documentation
  • Ensured the evaluation and award documentation met both the customer requirements and was fully EU compliant


  1. Sourcing event delivered on time, with desired outcomes clearly articulated in the specification and embedded in a revised contract management process and key performance indicators
  2. Increased number of bidders achieved through pre-market engagement process
  3. Expert advice and guidance provided on the requirements of the Public Contracts Regulation 2015 at each stage of the procurement process
  4. Assurance provided in relation to the full legal compliance of the procurement documentation which eliminates all risks associated with non-compliance and / or potential challenge for the client.
  5. New processes and standardised procurement templates developed for customer’s future sourcing and contract management activity
For further information, contact Lindsay Rosul

T: 07702 823 648