Specialist commercial resources secured while achieving 30% savings for private sector customer

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  5. Specialist commercial resources secured while achieving 30% savings for private sector customer


The customer had no internal expertise to manage a specialist recruitment process with the generalist HR unable to find programme and commercial management expertise and had received very limited responses to previous job posts.  This was limiting the customers’ ability to effectively support several critical professional service contracts.


Value Match working in partnership with the customer to:

  • Design a process and set of terms and conditions that would attract candidates to the customer, highlighting the customers values and working culture
  • We worked closely with the client to refine job descriptions and adverts to more accurately position the roles in the marketplace
  • Used specialist job boards and niche targeting on LinkedIn to help identify a broader range of candidates
  • Used the Value Match network to identify candidates that were immediately available


  1. Established an end to end resourcing process for the customer, including company and role information to attract future candidates
  2. 30% made in savings on 4 permanent placements from previous agencies quoted prices
  3. All vacancies filled within 4 weeks of engagement
  4. Value Match supported the resource needs for additional commercial analysts
For further information, contact Alison Shields

T: 07701 383 179
E: Alison.Shields@value-match.co.uk