6 years’ worth of NHS transactional data totalling £250M and 72,000 invoices reviewed

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  5. 6 years’ worth of NHS transactional data totalling £250M and 72,000 invoices reviewed


The project reviewed 6 years of third party spend, identified duplicate payments, wrong application of tax and payments made in error.


Value Match spend recovery solution is undertaken is free for the customer and fees are based upon a percentage of recovered sums obtained on behalf of the customer.

The project deliverables included:

  • Preparation, validation, and analysis of data finance data
  • Preliminary analysis and initial review after 2 weeks and a full review after 6 weeks
  • Validation of potential duplicates against copy invoices
  • Validation of initial results and agreement of the collection process and targets
  • Contact suppliers, confirmation of duplicates to supplier documentation
  • Recovery of monies and identification of any tax anomalies


  1. Project delivered within 8 weeks with every milestone being met or exceeded
  2. £500,000 of recovered payments
  3. Project delivered off-site therefore required minimal customer resource
  4. Review confirmed that the client had robust procurement and financial controls in general, however, identified two improvements for the client to consider embedding within their operations
    a. Regular periodic reviews of all payments
    b. Cost centre analysis of disaggregation of single supplier authorisation and payments
For further information, contact Lindsay Rosul

T: 07702 823 648
E: Lindsay.Rosul@value-match.co.uk