Enhancing Our Service Delivery

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Redesigning our services putting our values first, Lindsay, using her procurement and social value expertise has implemented new core systems and re-shaped the organisation focusing on the needs of all our stakeholders. As part of our commitment to placing Values First in everything we do, we needed to look at every aspect of our organisation and the team, and fundamentally change our focus.

Lindsay has worked with all Value Match colleagues and is redesigning our approach to servicing customers and how we operate as a company based around our Values. The team is updating our resourcing technology and how we communicate with potential candidates and match candidates to roles. We have always believed in making sure that both customers and candidates receive feedback and visible support through the process, communication and respect is at the heart of ensuring there is a value match between candidates and customers. We are focusing on doing this efficiently, ensuring it is system enabled not system driven, allowing us to build a positive relationship with customers and candidates are the most important outcomes.

In consultancy, training and bid management, we have developed a suite of tools and approaches based upon our unique Value Match Model.  They provide a methodology for all organisations, private, public or Civil Society to put values at the heart of how they operate, whether functionally or for specific projects. Lindsay, working with David and Jo, are embedding this into every service and every product we are developing.

Even with all of the great commitment and positive impact of the team and colleagues to date, to embrace and embed a Values First approach in a meaningful and long-lasting way, we are committed to continuing to embed Values into every facet of how we operate, how we communicate, how we develop systems and how we value our people and relationships.