As the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic continues and new measures and guidelines are being introduced, Value Match continue to operate business as usual during this period. Our team has been working tirelessly with talented candidates to ensure that businesses across the UK have access to the expertise they need given the current crisis, it’s imperative to have the right talent to manage your current on-going bid management and procurement requirements.
It’s important for organisations to support each other and Value Match will continue to support our current and new clients as opportunities can be missed or lost. Given our remote status, we have always been able to offer support to our clients that ensures a real ROI.
Useful links and resources:
Coronavirus: What you need to do. – Information and resources to as to what to do during the coronavirus.
Compliance, safety and the Coronavirus (PDF) – Summary in relation to the Compliance, safety and the Coronavirus, collated by the Association of Gas Safety Manager (AGSM) & Association of Electric Managers (AESM).
Procurement Policy Note: Responding to Covid-19 – Cabinet Office’s Procurement Policy Note – Responding to the Coronavirus (Covid-19)
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